Resolved To Be

Hello Everyone! I have started a new blog, Resolved To Be, if anyone is interested in reading it. I first began California Coates, later to become, Growing In Grace, to document our time in seminary for family and friends and to show what the Lord was teaching us. I always had the thought in my mind that I wanted my blog to be a legacy for my children to read their mom’s heart and the faithfulness of God. Overtime I feel I really lost sight of why I wanted a blog.

My new blog is going to be a little different, more Mary, less Martha. The blog is going to be a reflection of my devotional time with Lord and more of an explanation of His Word. I want to set the expectation, I have no idea how often I will be writing, I will not be writing on controversial issues for the sake of debate. I’d like to write about the time I spend in the morning with the Lord, sermons I am chewing on and prayers to my Father. I was asked the question yesterday who was my target audience for my blog, my answer, The Lord. I enjoy blogging but really want it to be for Him and if He chooses to use it in someone’s life, that is awesome but is not the intent of my blog.

I keep journals that are handwritten and would like the blog to be more of my electronic journal.

I will still use this blog for updates and pics of the boys so don’t fret my American friends!

My new blog:

For Christ’s glory alone,


A Year In

I am amazed. Awe struck by the faithfulness and lovingkindness of my Savior. It is only by His grace that I am sitting here typing this post. One year ago last night we landed in Edmonton and became a part the GRBC family.  Looking back on how the Lord pulled everything together to fit into His perfect plan blows my mind. One year ago we landed to smiling faces at the airport that took us to our new home that had been under a secret mission in the days leading up to our arrival, it was fully furnished and everything you could ever need was in our home, complete with transportation.

One year later, those same smiling faces greet us every Sunday as well as the days in between. Behind their sweet faces are passionate hearts on fire for Christ and His glory. Hearts that long to know the Savior and to live according to His Word. I am blessed, encourage, challenged at the love and zeal of our GRBC family. Each one is so precious to us. Words can’t describe how grateful we are for each one of you, how we praise the Lord for your lives and desire for holiness. The Lord shows His love for our family through His church.

We are beyond blessed to be serving under our beloved Senior Pastor Lyle and his wife Joan. Thank you for your amazing example of love. We have much to learn from you and pray for many, many more years in the ministry together.

I have had the blessing of watching James grow in his preaching and have to say there is no ministry that has impacted me greater then the faithful preaching of the one whom I love. It is crazy to me how much our family has grown by what the Lord has taught him. To watch him grab a hold of these precious truths and apply them to his life and family, there is no greater joy. His love for Christ, His Word and pursuit of holiness spur me on when I am weary. So many times I am in situations and reminded of the amazing teaching I received at The Master’s Seminary Wives Discipleship. What a value it has been to me in our first year and  I am so grateful for the leaders that poured into my life. The effects, I am sure, will far reach just our first year. My heart longs for the day we are altogether on our faces before the King.

Isaac had his 8th birthday, 8th! He is such a special young boy. Homeschooling has been so much fun as we see him really starting to grasp truth and ask questions. He is tender and loves and cares for his brother in away I have no yet come across. Caleb keeps me on my toes like no other. He has 10 times the energy Isaac had (which I thought was a lot). When his big blond curls hit my vision they always bring a smile to my face. He is an endless chatterbox which ironically at one point in my life was my name. I think he may be our future preacher. He is all boy and hates being anywhere without his brother. Watching them play everyday is one of my greatest earthly blessings.

It has been one crazy year but one I would not change for anything! There is so much more to say, who knows this may prompt another blog post ;-).

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Resources that have greatly impacted me this year:


Slave by John MacArthur

A Chance to Die the Life and Legacy of Amy Carmichael by Elisabeth Elliot

Faithful Women and Their Extraordinary God by Noel Piper


The New Man’s Mission (Prayer) by Pastor James Coates

An Introduction to Jonathan Edwards  Steve Lawson Resolved 2005

The Use of Your Time  Steve Lawson  Resolved 2005

A Fond Farewell

Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me in continuing my blog. It was such a joy to know that the Lord could use someone like me to encourage other believers. But, it is time to say my goodbye. There are many reasons I am discontinuing the blog. Firstly, I have limited access to a computer. James’ office is in our home and he has the only working computer at the moment. Secondly, because I haven’t had access to the computer, I have tasted and seen my life with minimal contact to my blog and others, what’s the result?  I love it! I have had so much more time to concentrate on my boys, the home, hospitality and even getting into those books I have been wanting to read.

I didn’t realize the time I was spending on the computer looking at other’s blogs and how they did things was actually hindering what I was doing in my own home. I am so excited about the personal contact I have had with others because of limited access to blogs and email. I always thought that the Proverbs 31 woman had more hours in her day but she didn’t, she just didn’t have a computer!

We have entered a new season of our life. A season full of hungry and passionate people for the Word! This fall will be full of dates with my hubby, grade 2 fun, toddler chasing, Sunday school teaching, bible studies, fellowship and woman’s groups. This is my ministry not my blog. Though I really wanted it to be, the Lord has given me other desires, desires I am so excited about! He has answered prayers about the direction of my blog and devotion to Him.

Please don’t let this post discourage you, if you find enjoyment in reading blogs or having time to yourself, I am not condemning you this issue is mine. A weakness the Lord is wanting to build on in my life so He is continually number One in my heart and in our home.

I do plan on doing a family newsletter, so if you are interested please email with your address and I will add you to the list!

May GOD alone be glorified!


And Away We Go!

Today is the day! I am excited, scared, sad. When we left for California to attend seminary the goodbyes were emotional of course but it was temporary. We knew we would be returning. When we left California, there was tears but so much joy knowing these we the people we’d be spending eternity with, and a sence of awe that God had such special plans for these men and their sweet families! But some how the goodbyes are different this time, more final.

So that is why I am sad. Why am I scared? I realize the high calling of being in ministry. I realize my complete inadequacy. Handling people lives. Helping (and being helped) them to see who God is, what He expects of us, and what that looks like practically. I am not so scared about the fact that our lives are going to be much like a fish bowl. I am pretty open with people about my life, joys, trials, sin. If you remember please pray for us. Pray that the Lord would keep us from error. That we would rightful handle the Word with much fear.That every day we would honor Him. That He would be glorified with every moment of our lives.

Why am I excited?! Well 7 years ago if you had seen my life (you can read that here)you’d never believe that I would be where I am today. It is not me though. It is completely the love that my Savior has for me and His transforming work and power in my life. I am excited that the Lord could and would use someone like me. I don’t deserve it, I never want to forget what He saved me from and that my life was purchased at such a high price, the price of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ’s life. Though I am far from friends and family, I am where the Lord wants me and there is no where I would rather be than where He has placed me. My life is not my own and there is no greater joy then serving my Master and King! I am excited because this is what my husband has worked so hard for over the last 3 years. There is nothing that gives him greater joy than the Word of God. He is amazed that this is his life, to study the Word, there is nothing better! I am excited about what I am going to learn from him! I am so excited about this church and the work the Lord is doing there.

Please again if you remember, please pray for our transition to Edmonton! I will be absent for a while as we get our home up and running, it is my first priority. I will do my best to reconnect to keep everyone updated! Thank you all for your prayers and love. Everyone that came to see us, pray for us, cook dinner for us. We are blessed.

For the glory of Christ alone,


The Theology of Marriage Part 1

The attack on biblical marriage is nothing new. It has been going on since the beginning of time. There is nothing new under the sun (Eccl 1:9). What it all comes down to is the age-old debate,  “Indeed, has God really said….?” ~Gen 3:1~ . Our enemy is more crafty than any beast, but his ways have not changed. His work will always be to discredit the Word of the Lord, set confusion among Christ’s people and have them living in sin so that he may accuse them before the Lord, thus attempting to steal God’s glory.

So the question is: Do you believe what God has said about marriage? I am going to start in Genesis and see where the Lord takes me.

Adam and Eve are our first picture of marriage:

Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him. ~Gen 2:18~

John MacArthur says: When God saw His creation as very good (1:31), He viewed it as being to that point the perfect outcome to His creative plan. However, in observing man’s state as not good, He was commenting on his incompleteness before the end of the sixth day because women, Adam’s counterpart, had not been created. The word’s of this verse emphasize man’s need for a companion, a helper, and an equal. He was incomplete without someone to complement him in fulfilling the task of filling, multiplying, and taking dominion over the earth. This points to Adam’s inadequacy, not Eve’s insufficiency (cf. 1 Cor. 11:9). Women was made by God to meet man’s deficiency.

This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. ~Gen 2:23~

Why didn’t God make Eve from the dust of the ground like He did Adam?  The man (ish) named her woman (isha) because she had her source from him:

For man does not originate from woman, but woman from man, for indeed man was not created for the woman’s sake but woman for the man’s sake. ~1 Cor 11:8-9~

Did God really just say woman was made for the man’s sake?

This shows women’s submission (which I will go into more detail in the future), Eve was to make up what was lacking in Adam.

For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh. ~Gen. 2:24~

Marriage was the first human institution established. God obviously had a plan for marriage that goes beyond Adam and Eve we see this in: a man shall leave his father and his mother, Adam and Eve were the first man and woman thus they didn’t have a father and mother. So God was obviously speaking of future marriages.

The word joined is welded, unbreakable.

One flesh speaks of complete unity, making a whole. This also implies their sexual completeness. John MacArthur also notes: “One man and one woman constitute the pair to reproduce. The “one flesh” is primarily seen in the child born of that union, the perfect result of the union of two.”

In summary, we have seen that from the beginning God has made marriage between a man and a woman as the first institution to display HIS glory, HIS creation, HIS plan, HIS purpose, for our good! To complete what man is lacking, for pleasure and for reproduction but most importantly to be a picture of the gospel to a dying world.


Momentous Monday

Join Tiffany over at A Moment Cherished the creator of Momentous Monday. Tiffany and her husband have designed the cutest shirts that are a part of their fundraiser to raise money to bring their baby home from Ethiopia! The t-shirts are $15-$17 and oh so sweet! Also, if you are an adoptive family you can also sell their shirts for your own fundraiser!

This is very exciting week for us! We do our official move to Edmonton where James has taken on an Associate Pastorate! I have seen my husband work so hard and we are blessed that the Lord has counted us worthy to be a part of this ministry!!  I hope to be able to post pics of the new place soon!

For all of you that have asked….we’re still going to be Leaf Fans!


Challenge~Praying for Your Husband Daily

What better area to be challenged then in our prayer lives. As I have said before there is no greater thing we can do for our husbands then to bring them before the throne of our Mighty LORD!

Here is  a snip-it from Courtney’s blog, the creator of Women Living Well and The Completing Him Summer Challenge, for this weeks challenge.

James 5:17 says “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”

Prayer changes things – do you believe that? Then let’s get started! Here’s a list of items you can begin to pray through for your husband (taken from Stormie’s book):

1. His Wife -that’s a good place to start right? lol!

2. His Work

3. His Finances

4. His Sexuality

5. His Affections

6. His Temptations

7. His Mind

8. His Fears

9. His Purpose

10. His Choices

11. His Health

12. His Protection

13. His Trials

14. His Integrity

15. His Reputation

16. His Priorities

17. His Relationships

18. His Fatherhood

19. His Past

20. His Attitude

21. His Marriage

22. His Emotions

23. His Walk

24. His Talk

25. His Repentance

26. His Deliverance

27. His Obedience

28. His Self-Image

29. His Faith

30. His Future

Challenge: Print this list out and pray through this list daily. Also, do not forget to ask your husband each morning for any specific prayer requests he has for the day. I do this regularly and my husband always answers with a detailed situation he is concerned about. It’s a blessing to pray for him and watch God work and answer. Our intimacy has grown through this and he always knows he has a prayer warrior in me. If you don’t pray daily for him – who will?
Also see my other posts on prayer and praying for our husbands, this is an area the Lord has really convicted and grown me in!
Praying for our Husbands:

Words of a True Woman

There are few in the Christian Community that have never heard the name Joni Eareckson Tada. A life transformed after a diving accident in 1967 that left her a quadriplegic. Our Mighty Lord has used her in unspeakable ways. I don’t think I have come a cross another women in my life that has suffered physically like Joni.

I wanted to share these words with you that were spoken after Joni’s most recent health findings. Joni has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

“I’ve often said that our afflictions come from the hand of our all-wise and sovereign God, who loves us and wants what is best for us,” Tada said, according to the news release. “So, although cancer is something new, I am content to receive from God whatever He deems fit for me. Yes, it’s alarming, but rest assured that Ken [her husband] and I are utterly convinced that God is going to use this to stretch our faith, brighten our hope and strengthen our witness to others.”

That is a true woman!

I hope if you are struggling today, whether it be big or small that you can find comfort and confidence in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as Joni has and will continue to.

Please pray with me for our dear sister.

To see more of how the Lord is using this dear sister around the world visit Joni and Friends


The Theology of Marriage Q & A

It is interesting the controversy surrounding The Summer Marriage Challenge. What is even more interesting are the debates within the Christian Community itself.

I am not the be all and end all of marriage, but I do know the Author and Creator of it and what He has written in His Word. It seems that most of the controversy within the Christian Community, I believe, is based on wrongfully dividing the Word.

Before I write on this topic I’d like to see if people have specific questions in regards to what the Scriptures say about Marriage. I am sure this is going to end up being a series but one I am very excited about!

So ask away and I will do my best to bring you to the Word for your answers!

Submitting to the authority of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,


Completing Him~Summer Marriage Challenge

If you missed the post of what the Completing Him Summer Challenge is head on over to visit Courtney of Women Living Well, the creator.

Our Dating Days

It has been so much fun to reminisce  about our dating days. The first time I saw my beloved was at his baptism. Funny that weekend I was supposed to be away at a youth retreat but the Lord orchestrated a circumstance that didn’t allow me to go . I had written off men by that time but I remember thinking when I saw him up there “that is the KIND of man I am going to marry”. It wasn’t until a few months later that we actually met. Once we met, we were pretty much inseparable.

 James worked at Dell and for the most part I didn’t really see him until the weekends. The odd time I head over to his place on a weeknight after work and he’d cook me garlic chicken and Alfredo noodles. I loved the anticipation of him coming over or making my way over to his mom’s place. I would get all dulled up to see him, something I have recently reinstated in our marriage you can read about that here and here.

We watched a lot of hockey in our dating days (I just wanted to impress him). Isaac and I loved going to James’ baseball games and cheering him on! We don’t watch much hockey because we haven’t had a TV and James and I now cheer on Isaac at his games!

I met James out our church and was drawn to his love and passion for the Lord (that fire, praise the Lord, has not burned out). One of the things we love to do as a new couple was talk about theology. We’d spend hours with other couples grappling over some difficult issues of Scripture. I know it sounds simple but we are simple people. I’d have say that not much has changed, except we have cut out the 2 hour-long phone calls, we still love to spend time with other couples talking about our great Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

One thing that I’m going to work on this summer is going on more dates, like we use too! Not talking on the phone for hours but face to face. I never worried about how tired I was going to be in the morning when I would talk to him on the phone when we were dating. I’d love to recapture that!

Being in seminary we had a little bit of a time and financial restraint to be with others like we wanted to. But the time we have been back home has been amazing! We look forward to being back in Edmonton and getting to know the church there and entertaining again!

I loved thinking about our dating days but I am so blessed to be married. We learned a lot about dating in our relationship and what we’d like (or not like for that matter) for our children. That maybe an entire post in it self. Here are a few photo’s of us when we were dating.

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